Dietrich Lehmann: Curriculum Vitae

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Dietrich Lehmann, Professor Dr. med., Dr. med. h.c.
born Dec. 3, 1929 in Heidelberg, Germany

Office address

The KEY Institute for Brain-Mind Research,
University Hospital of Psychiatry,
Lenggstr. 31
CH-8029 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone: +41-1-384-2711; e-mail:
Institute Home Page:


Medical studies: Universität Heidelberg 1950-1953, Université de Paris 1953, Universität Heidelberg 1954-1956;
Medical State Board Examination Germany, Heidelberg 1956;
Doctoral Dissertation in Medicine, Universität Heidelberg 1957


Assistant physician, Dept. of Neurology, Heidelberg University Hospital, 1956-57,
Assistant physician, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Munich University Hospital, 1958,
Assistant physician, Dept. of Neurology and Neurophysiology, Freiburg University Hopsital, 1961-62,
Visiting Fellow, Lab. d'EEG, Hopital Universitaire Marseille (Prof. Gastaut) April/May 1961,
Research Fellow in Neurophysiology, Brain Res. Institute, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA, 1963-1964,
Visiting Physiologist, Computing Center, California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), Pasadena, CA 1964,
Senior Researcher, Institute of Medical Sciences, Pacific Medical Center, San Francisco, CA, 1965-1970,
Associate Professor, Dept. of Visual Sciences, University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, 1969-1970,
Acting Chairman, Dept. of Visual Sciences, University of the Pacific, San Francisco, CA, 1969-1970,
Oberassistent, Dept. of Neurology, University Hospital Zürich, 1971,
Privat-Dozent in Neurology (esp. Clin. Neurophysiology) Medical Faculty, University of Zürich, 1972; Titular-Professor 1978
AO Professor of Clinical Neurophysiology, Medical Faculty, University of Zürich, 1988 - 1997 (now emeritus)
Director, The KEY Institute for Brain-Mind Research, University Hospital of Psychiatry, Zürich, 1995-1997.

Present Positions

Senior Scientist, The KEY Institute for Brain-Mind Research, University Hospital of Psychiatry, Zürich, 1998 - present.
Senior Scientist and Advisor, University Hospital of Psychiatry "Sector Ost", Zürich, 1998 - present.

Membership in Scientific Societies

American Physiological Society 1965-1984
Association for Research in Ophthalmology 1966-1973
American EEG Society 1968-1986
Schweiz. Neurol. Gesellschaft 1971-1989
German EEG Society / Deutsche Gesellschaft Klinische Neurophysiologie (Lifetime Corresponding Member)
Hungarian EEG Society (Honorary Member)
European Sleep Research Society
International Brain Research Organization IBRO
IBRO Suisse / Swiss Society for Neurosciences
Schweiz. Gesellschaft Klin. Neurophysiologie
Schweiz. Gesellschaft Biologische Psychiatrie
Section Psychophysiology of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA)
International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP) (Honorary Fellow 1982)
International Pharmaco-EEG Society (IPEG)
Polish Sleep Research Society (Honorary Member 1994)
International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET) (Founding Member)
International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP) (Founding Member)

Past Functions in Scientific Societies

Member, Board of Governors, Internat. Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP)
Teasurer, then Member-at-Large, Internat. Pharmaco-EEG Society (IPEG)
Co-Chairman, Internat. Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET) (1989-2001)

Present Functions in Scientific Foundation

Director, The KEY Foundation for Brain-Mind Research, Zürich

Organisation of Scientific Congresses

"Functional States of the Brain", ETP Summer School, Sounion/Greece 1976.
"Event-Related Potentials in Man: Applications and Problems" Konstanz 1978.
"Functional States of the Brain: Their Determinants", Patras, Greece 1979.
"International Swiss Brain Mapping Meetings", Zürich 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994.
"8th World Congress of the Internat. Soc. for Brain Electromagnetic Topography" (ISBET), Zürich 1997
Co-Organizer of various other congresses.
Invited organizer of various symposia within international congresses.

Editorial Work

IBRO News, Section Editor "Reports", and "Announcements" 1974-1975
Neuroscience Letters (Edit. Board) 1975-1980
Waking and Sleeping (Edit. Board) 1976-1981
Journal of Altered States of Consciousness (Edit. Board) 1977-1979
Int. J. Psychophysiology (Edit. Board) 1983-1999
Neuropsychobiology/Sect. Pharmaco-EEG (Advis. Board) 1984-present
Human Neurobiology (Advisary Board) 1985-1988
Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. (Consulting Editor) 1986-1996
Brain Topography (Edit. Board) 1988-1999
Springer Series in Brain Dynamics (Edit. Board) 1990-1995
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (Edit. Board) 1990-present
Cognitive Brain Research (Edit. Board) 1992-present

Stipends, Fellowships and Scientific Honours

Post-Graduate Stipend of the State of France 1961
DAAD Post-Graduate NATO Fellowship 1962
Hans-Berger-Award of the German EEG Society 1979
Honorary Member, Hungarian EEG Society 1981
Corresponding Member, German EEG Society 1981
Senior Scientist Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 1985
Honorary Member, Polish Sleep Research Society 1994
Honorary Doctor of Medicine, University of Jena, Germany 1997
Honorary Emeritus Chairman, International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography (ISBET) 2000

Research Work

Development of multichannel evoked ("ERP") and spontaneous ("EEG") brain electric field mapping and of spatial analysis of the field data (start 1968), including source and microstate analysis of brain electric fields; studies of human brain electric field properties in relation to normal and pathological perception, cognition and emotion, incl. effects of medication.

First evoked potential mapping study with dipole source modeling published in 1969 (Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol.). A 48-channel recording and analysis system became operational in 1969 at the San Francisco lab, resulting in a first paper using numerical spatial analysis (map landscape assessment) of alpha EEG in 1971 (Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol.). Dipole source modeling in the time domain 1969 (Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol.) and 1978 (IEEE Journal) and in the frequency domain 1990 (Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol.). Reference-free measures of brain field map strength and map landscape dissimilarity 1980 (Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol.). Segmentation of brain field map series into temporal, functional microstates using numerical map landscape assessments 1983/4 (Int. J. Psychophysiol.) and 1987 (Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol.). Dipole source modelling in the frequency domain (Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 1990). Studies on the functional significance of the brain electric microstates in perception, cognition and emotion, and their pathological aberrations in schizophrenia. Studies on spatial organisation of brain electric activity during emotional states and altered states of consciousness.

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